Treasury Fair
The DACT Treasury Fair is the Dutch event where suppliers and buyers of treasury services and products can meet each other. During the Fair, visitors can attend the Masterclass, practical workshops and dedicated product demos to keep their knowledge of treasury issues up to the mark. The Fair also provides many opportunities for informal contact and network building.

21st DACT Treasury Fair
For many years, the Treasury Fair has attracted a great deal of interest. In 2024, the Fair drew over 620 participants (including the exhibitor representatives). Visitors are primarily involved in treasury issues in the broadest sense of the word. Other financial specialists, such as controllers, accountants and tax specialists, also know their way to the Fair.
Key note speakers 2025
Thursday 13 March 14:30 – 15:30 hrs
Opening by Diederik Samsom, former leader of political party PvdA, entrepreneur and Head of Cabinet of the European Commission’s Commissioner for Climate Action
Friday 14 March 09:00 – 10:15 hrs
Masterclass by Marian Spier, entrepreneur, consultant with a tech background & founder of TEDxAmsterdamWomen
The closing lecture this year on Friday is sponsored by DACT’s new partner, Bloomberg. The lecture will be provided by Björn Kuipers, entrepreneur and the Netherlands’ best football referee.
Join Us in Making a Difference!
For many years, DACT has proudly partnered with the Parents of Children with Cancer Association (Vereniging Kinderkanker Nederland/VOKK) to raise awareness and funds at the DACT Treasury Fair. Visit their stand to learn about the KanjerKetting – a unique reward system that supports children with cancer during their challenging treatment journey. With the KanjerKetting available in all seven pediatric oncology centers across the Netherlands, 500 children each year benefit from this initiative.
To support this costly but impactful program, representaties of VOCC are selling tickets at their stand. Before the closing speaker, three lucky tickets will be drawn to win an iPhone! So, support the KanjerKetting, and get a chance to win a fantastic prize, thanks to Financial Assets.

The 21th DACT Treasury Fair 2025 will be held at Van der Valk Hotel Schiphol. This location offers a large exhibition area, luxury rooms and an attractive space with plenty of capacity for all Fair visitors to attend the Masterclass and spacious, modern boardrooms for workshops and product demos. As the hotel has a lot guest rooms, the most guests can stay in the same hotel.
Fair team
To organise the Treasury Fair, the DACT Board has put together a ‘Fair Team’, consisting of Milena Babovic (chairwoman), Erwin Bastianen, Yannick Gehin, Simone Trapp, Carlos Aguilar, Olga Gayevskaya, Nadiia Matskevych and Dolf de Haan. The Fair Team can be contacted at [email protected]
Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT)
Transistorstraat 71-M
1322 CK Almere
Phone number: +31 35 69 54 101
[email protected]
Conference agency
For more information about the Treasury Fair, please contact Roijé Congressen B.V. at:
A.J. Ernststraat 595-D
1082 LD Amsterdam
Phone number: +31 20 33 00 941
[email protected]